Ayurvedic medicine, also known as The Science of Life has encouraged healthy weight control for centuries. Embracing health holistically, the principals of Ayurveda include the psychological, social and religious areas of life in addition to the physical. Every Ayurvedic diagnoses assesses the person overall. The ancient teachings of Ayurveda Include admonishments to utilize this life for a greater purpose and health is deemed essential to attaining that objective. Illness is known as an imbalance. This lifestyle is aimed at preventing any disturbance or imbalance of optimum health. Therapeutic measures for such an imbalance or disturbance, such as abnormal weight are individualized. Treatment for weight loss, as for Any other perceived imbalance is particular to the person, but certain general principles may apply.
Purification, a procedure modern medicine might label detoxing or fasting could be a first step. The Ayurvedic doctor might then recommend digestive exercises, sun and fresh air in addition to particular foods or herbs to eat or avoid. Foods and herbs considered Beneficial or harmful depend upon the people primary dosha, the deciding of which is a complicated evaluation of temperament, or constitution. All the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and kapha are believed to contain two components and every combination requires somewhat different therapies for effective weight loss. Six tastes are recognized in Ayurvedic medicine; salt, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent. Each dosha thrives on particular combinations of these tastes and becomes unbalanced by other people. Foods or herbs which may assist 1 dosha in losing weight could be beneficial or detrimental to another. Ayurvedic medicine is highly individualized and there are no ‘one size fits all’ prescriptions.
Common ayurvedic treatment for weight loss recommendations for all individuals wanting to exaggerate their health by achieving a suitable weight include getting enough sleep, exercising and drinking water. However, how much sleep is sufficient, what sort of exercise might be beneficial and how much water to drink might depend upon the people primary dosha. A before dinner beverage containing Fresh ginger, salt and lemon juice in water is considered to trigger the salivary glands and promote digestion for all doshas. Iced or very cold beverages must be avoided at mealtime. Bitter, astringent, or pungent Herbs like cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, mustard seed and ginger are deemed conducive to weight loss. Tumeric, Barberry and specific Ayurvedic herb mixes are also considered useful.